Pledge Card - Jubilant HollisterStier

Join 101 years of trusted giving 

Donor Information
I would like my gift to remain anoynymous
Company Employment Information
Choose How You Pledge
Payroll Deduction
Your Number of Pay Periods
Check Donation
Please submit your check to your Campaign Coordinator
Cash Donation
Please turn your cash donation into your Campaign Coordinator
Credit Card Donation
I want to contribute the above amount every month for X months (i.e 12 for a year of giving).
Please enter this amount on the Payment Page (next page).
To minimize Spokane County United Way administrative costs, we would appreciate your consideration of adding an additional 3% to your gift amount to cover credit card processing fees. Thank You.
To minimize Spokane County United Way administrative costs, we would appreciate your consideration of adding an additional 3% to your gift amount to cover credit card processing fees. Thank You.

Please enter your Monthly or One Time Donation Amount on the Payment Page (next screen).

Let Us Thank you
$1,000+ donation (this can be an individual gift or combined with a spouse / partner for total household giving).
Yes, I have given for 25 years or more to United Way
I am an ELS Member!
I / we would like name(s) to appear in United Way recognition pieces printed as:
I would like my donation to remain anonymous, I understand my information will not appear in United Way thank you and recognition pieces.
Send me more information about becoming a:
Please send me more information about including United Way in my will / estate or donating stock.
I am an emerging to mid-career professional who is interested in professional development, networking, and giving back to my community
Optional Designation Area
I would like to designate my gift, I have read United Ways Designation Policy
To designate a gift your non-profit must be an active 501(c)(3) agency. Minimum gift is $25 per agency you designate.
Be advised that designated gifts are not reviewed by Spokane County United Way nor are the agencies held accountable by United Way for results of these gifts. Fundraising / administrative costs will be deducted. Designations under $25 will not be processed and will instead be treated as donations to Spokane County United Way.
I recognize that by checking the Anonymous Designation box that my contact information, including name, will not be given to my designated agency by United Way.
Non-profit agency #1
Provide detailed information about your 501(c)(3) agency
Non-profit agency #2
Non-profit agency #3
My signature below, confirms my payroll deduction request as stated above.
Sign above